There were some really beautiful fall days before this freak snow storm hit! On one of these days, my friend Lori and I decided to meet at the park.
It was one of those days. I had a few things (which felt like a million) to do so I had to nap Nathan earlier than usual. This threw the entire day off. I never have to wonder where Nathan's love of routine comes from. I thrive on routine. Not that I don't like to be spontaneous, but I like knowing what comes next. Especially with four children, half of which are teenagers.
So during one of those moments before we went to the park, I got a lovely text from Lori asking if I would like a pumpkin latte from my FAVORITE coffee place. OH..would I !
We met in the parking lot. As soon as I got out of my car I said to her "You have no idea how nice this latte is right now" I bet she did have some's the story of my life right now. Seems to be all I talk about.
We were there a short time when her super adorable little girl Sophie had a little potty accident. I, being the ever prepared mom ( was a fluke) said that I may have a spare pair of pants in the back of my car. Went back to the car, and got the pants which prevented Lori from having to go home. YAY!
We were having a great conversation when, after telling Nathan one billion times not to..he plopped right down in a big puddle of mud. Normally, this would not be a big deal except that it was only 50 degrees out, and, of course...he had a big poop coming out of the back of his pants.
Thank God Lori was there because we just laughed and laughed. She offered to give me the pants back but I thought I may have something else in my car.
So with three wipes left (clearly not enough but, eh) and a pair of fleece footed pajamas that I was giving to Goodwill, we got cleaned up and headed back to the park.
I was so determined to stay and continue our adult conversation that Nathan walked back with me to the park in those fleece pajamas with his sneakers and jacket on.
As I walked toward Lori I said "OK, you can pretend to not know me" but of course with her being the ever faithful friend we just laughed and made more interesting conversation, now of course about the fact that sometimes, you just have to let it go.