The Passion of The Christ
(and why I dislike it)
Yes, you read right. I don't like the movie. Darrin and I saw it in the theater years ago (we walked in a little late though) and we haven't seen it since. So, on Easter (duh, not the right day to watch it) after the kiddos were asleep, we decided to watch it on Netflix. Now, since it was so many years ago since we saw it, I didn't remember much. Except that I didn't think I liked it.
I remembered correctly.
One reason why I don't like it include feelings that I know Mel Gibson wanted to stir. Feelings of outrage, sadness, and overwhelming helplessness as I watched Mary watch her Son suffer. Although I was a mother when I went to the theater to see it, somehow three more children added to what I was feeling as a mother now.
I also didn't understand a lot of the movie. Some of which I must now investigate further. I'm sure that is because of my lazy approach to studying the Bible. Like, (OK only my friends read this so I'm safe from judgement) how did the Romans and the Jews talk to each other? In what language? How did they understand each other? It sounded like one was speaking Italian, and the other Hebrew. Feel free to post the answer, and even to say "DUH ANNE!! Get reading that Bible of yours!!!!"
The Satan character in the movie really scared me! It felt more like a horror movie to me, and I HATE horror movies. My horror movie watching started, and ended, with Freddy Kruger. The first one, I mean. So when, at the end, Satan is following Jesus, AND, carrying a baby Satan, that was just over the top! And what was that baby Satan anyway?
I got to thinking about Judas. Dare I say it? Poor Judas. Yes, yes, he betrayed Jesus. With a kiss at that! But, think about it. Judas was born for this specific purpose. He was chosen, and born, to betray Jesus. That was his destiny. So, although he did what he did, I feel kinda bad. Every single person was chosen to do what they did, including the soldiers, Pilate, and the man who helped Jesus carry his cross. All leading up to the sole purpose of getting Jesus to the cross to be crucified, so we could be forgiven.
When the crow pecked at the thief's eye, the Roman soldier shoos him away. Who cares at that point? They seem so nasty that you would think he would've let the crow eat his whole head off!
And, finally, the end. Oh Mel...I do understand that this entire movie was based on the last 12 hours of Jesus' life. But, I do wish that you would have put the same vigor and enthusiasm you invested into the two hours and 55 minutes, into the last 7. I sat and watched my Lord be tortured for that long, at least make the happy ending a little better.
What are your thoughts?