So I decided to get a hair cut. This is something I was thinking about for a while, but was too chicken to do anything about it. You see, I've had long, long hair for a very long, long time. Cutting my hair shorter was something that really scared me. For some reason, I always equated long hair with youth. I know most of you don't agree, but that's how it felt to me. But seriously, when you wake up everyday and put it in a pony, praying that someone doesn't come to the door seeing you look that way, it's time for a change. It was at the point where either it looked really pretty (after spending an hour on it) or really, really ratty. There was no in between. You get the point.
So I see an ad for a local place, and I just LOVE the cut that they have featured in the ad. Oh my goodness...this is what I want! I ended up calling them and they had a 4 pm opening. Kiss Darrin goodbye...tell him to kiss the hair goodbye...and off I go.
I pull up, and I was very happy to see a "save Pine Island Elementary" sign in their window...Yay for supporting local business! I walked in, and behind the counter, was a woman, maybe around 50 or so. I told her my name, and she said "What are you thinking about for your hair?" Pulled out the picture in the ad and she says "Well, I ain't the owner. I'm Lori. Lemme see that. Hmmmmm....looks great, you goin' that short?" and I said a very strong voice, "No....No...not THAT short." Upon sensing my fear she very kindly says "Nah...don't worry, we won't be hackin' too much off"
Oh my. Ok, she just said "hackin"...and I think this is the woman who will be cutting my hair. ACK!!!!
"Let's get ya washed"
We chatted a bit, and as we're chatting she's cutting, and cutting, and cutting. Now you all know I'm freaking, but she knows that too! So she keeps chatting about how she's a volunteer on the ambulance corps. ect. And she is very, very nice. But I am here, stuck in this chair, with a woman I thought was the receptionist, she looks like my description of myself when I don't want to answer the door, she is cutting my hair away, and there isn't a thing I can do about it!!!!
But then.....
She's finished. And out comes the hairdryer, and out comes the boars hair round brush, and she's blowing it out.
It is so great. Really. I was so pleasantly surprised. All I could do is smile from ear to ear. She said "Come on Anne, shake it around! Put your hands through it" And I did.
Really, I was practically jumping up and down like a little girl watching Justin Bieber. I said a big "Thank You" gave her a big tip, and a big hug, and was off to home to show my family.
And they, also, love it.
Oh yeah, the youth thing I was writing about in the beginning of this post? Saw someone at the library who was Zack's soccer coach last spring. When I went up to her to say Hi, she said "Oh..sorry I didn't recognize look like a teenager!"
Ratty hair no more. 

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