Sometimes each day feels like a struggle. Ever have those days where every minute feels like an hour?
As I was sitting here with the little guy this morning, watching his "wake up" TV show, I suddenly remembered how when he was a baby, the entire TV stand was gated off. We started by just placing a plastic gate around it, but as he grew and outsmarted us, we started tying it to the stand. I honestly don't' recall when we removed it. I just know it's not there anymore. I do know that he's not interested in touching the cable box or inserting things into the VCR (you know what that is, right?) anymore, but I'm not sure how he progressed past that phase.
Life keeps going, children grow, and it often happens so fast that we don't know what got us to to where we are. This can help us to remember to slow down a little.
Yesterday, I took this same little guy to DD to get a raspberry iced tea to share at the park. When we got to the park, I was the only crazy mother there because it was so darn hot! It was early in the morning so it wasn't too bad yet. We ran and ran together, and went on the slide. It was fun to be a kid again, and we had some really great moments!
One day, he won't be so little. He won't even want to go to the park anymore. So I encourage you, play at the park like no body's watching!
When the day drags on and feels like forever, I need to just look around.
I have another "little guy" (to me), that is driving. Or, I can look back. No more gates around the TV.
It's easy for me to say "Enjoy each day." when I am posting this at 10 pm and it's quiet. I really dislike it when I am having a hard day and someone says "Enjoy this time, it goes so fast" How can you enjoy aggravation? Between five pounds of flour spilled purposely on the kitchen floor, to teens who are striving for more independence, it's enough to drive even the most even-tempered mom crazy!
So what I am going to try to do is to try and enjoy each great moment. Really be present. Not thinking of the other child who is trying you to your last nerve, or that huge to-do list. Be there, fully, in that great moment.
Maybe then, instead of hours and minutes feeling like forever, they won't feel like long enough.
About Me

- Anne
- SAHM to four great kids, a wife to a wonderful husband, and daughter of the Most High God.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Photo Challenge
I am entering a photo challenge by the Paper Mama. The challenge is "yellow".
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
He Fell In
Years ago before we lived here, we looked at a house. This house had an inground pool. But, there was no fence around that pool. Zachary was a baby at the time,and I was terrified about this pool. We were in the process of scheduling inspections, ect. and all I could think about was this pool! I did research on fences, main drain covers, you name it. Daily nightmares of a silent drowning haunted me. I drove Darrin CRAZY with the constant questioning and statistics.
That house didn't work out for other reasons.
Then, we happened upon this house. Which, of course, has an inground pool. It's fenced in but not really to MY standards so anyone who knows me knows I am MILITANT about safety around the pool, and the yard that has the pool in it. Our first year here, I made the kids sign a CONTRACT detailing the pool rules. This will be our third summer enjoying the pool, and although my anxiety about it has calmed down a bit, it is still in the back of my mind. Nightmares only happen maybe once now when we are in the process of opening the pool.
Today I was vacuuming the pool and Nathan was with me. He was standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME. He had a life jacket on because that's my rule with him. He is not allowed in the pool area without his life jacket. Why? Because he could accidentally fall in. And that's what happened.
He had a little fish net and was helping me skim the bugs from the deep end, and reached a little too far. He fell in, face first. I grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him from the water. Poor guy couldn't catch his breath for a second and when he did he just screamed and cried. One of the things I am good at is "mommy emergency mode" I was very upset, but so was he, so I flipped the switch and just talked calmly to him saying "its ok, just wipe the water from your eyes" and "you're ok" over and over. When I started saying "wow Nathan, that water was cold, huh?" he then smiled and said he wanted to go inside.
My child was right next to me and yet fell in. In the deep end. Maybe my fears (of unknown origin) all these years prepared me for something like this. He always wears a life jacket in the pool area unless Darrin or I am trying to teach him something in the water. He is always at arms length. My "eyes are peeled" (the kids love that saying, btw) when he is out there with us. You just never, never know.
PSA here: Please, please, please. DO NOT allow your young children that cannot swim out of your sight for ONE second near water. Don't let anything distract you. If a friend is over, say "I am listening when you are talking to me, but I am watching my child so don't think I am ignoring you". If they can't swim, invest in a life jacket. $25 bucks can save your child's life. If you have a pool or spa, invest in locks for doors that lead out to the area. Help them at a young age learn how to get to the side of the pool if they fall in. Nathan will be learning that over the next few weeks. If it can happen to militant, contract making me, then it can happen to anyone.
Now that he's asleep tonight, the image of that split second I saw him in the water, face down with his curly locks floating from his head won't leave me. It probably won't fade for quite some time. That's ok though, the image will prevent me from ever becoming complacent. I can hear Darrin snickering now "yes, like that would ever happen!"
Thank you God for the way things turned out today.
That house didn't work out for other reasons.
Then, we happened upon this house. Which, of course, has an inground pool. It's fenced in but not really to MY standards so anyone who knows me knows I am MILITANT about safety around the pool, and the yard that has the pool in it. Our first year here, I made the kids sign a CONTRACT detailing the pool rules. This will be our third summer enjoying the pool, and although my anxiety about it has calmed down a bit, it is still in the back of my mind. Nightmares only happen maybe once now when we are in the process of opening the pool.
Today I was vacuuming the pool and Nathan was with me. He was standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME. He had a life jacket on because that's my rule with him. He is not allowed in the pool area without his life jacket. Why? Because he could accidentally fall in. And that's what happened.
He had a little fish net and was helping me skim the bugs from the deep end, and reached a little too far. He fell in, face first. I grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him from the water. Poor guy couldn't catch his breath for a second and when he did he just screamed and cried. One of the things I am good at is "mommy emergency mode" I was very upset, but so was he, so I flipped the switch and just talked calmly to him saying "its ok, just wipe the water from your eyes" and "you're ok" over and over. When I started saying "wow Nathan, that water was cold, huh?" he then smiled and said he wanted to go inside.
My child was right next to me and yet fell in. In the deep end. Maybe my fears (of unknown origin) all these years prepared me for something like this. He always wears a life jacket in the pool area unless Darrin or I am trying to teach him something in the water. He is always at arms length. My "eyes are peeled" (the kids love that saying, btw) when he is out there with us. You just never, never know.
PSA here: Please, please, please. DO NOT allow your young children that cannot swim out of your sight for ONE second near water. Don't let anything distract you. If a friend is over, say "I am listening when you are talking to me, but I am watching my child so don't think I am ignoring you". If they can't swim, invest in a life jacket. $25 bucks can save your child's life. If you have a pool or spa, invest in locks for doors that lead out to the area. Help them at a young age learn how to get to the side of the pool if they fall in. Nathan will be learning that over the next few weeks. If it can happen to militant, contract making me, then it can happen to anyone.
Now that he's asleep tonight, the image of that split second I saw him in the water, face down with his curly locks floating from his head won't leave me. It probably won't fade for quite some time. That's ok though, the image will prevent me from ever becoming complacent. I can hear Darrin snickering now "yes, like that would ever happen!"
Thank you God for the way things turned out today.
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