Sometimes each day feels like a struggle. Ever have those days where every minute feels like an hour?
As I was sitting here with the little guy this morning, watching his "wake up" TV show, I suddenly remembered how when he was a baby, the entire TV stand was gated off. We started by just placing a plastic gate around it, but as he grew and outsmarted us, we started tying it to the stand. I honestly don't' recall when we removed it. I just know it's not there anymore. I do know that he's not interested in touching the cable box or inserting things into the VCR (you know what that is, right?) anymore, but I'm not sure how he progressed past that phase.
Life keeps going, children grow, and it often happens so fast that we don't know what got us to to where we are. This can help us to remember to slow down a little.
Yesterday, I took this same little guy to DD to get a raspberry iced tea to share at the park. When we got to the park, I was the only crazy mother there because it was so darn hot! It was early in the morning so it wasn't too bad yet. We ran and ran together, and went on the slide. It was fun to be a kid again, and we had some really great moments!
One day, he won't be so little. He won't even want to go to the park anymore. So I encourage you, play at the park like no body's watching!
When the day drags on and feels like forever, I need to just look around.
I have another "little guy" (to me), that is driving. Or, I can look back. No more gates around the TV.
It's easy for me to say "Enjoy each day." when I am posting this at 10 pm and it's quiet. I really dislike it when I am having a hard day and someone says "Enjoy this time, it goes so fast" How can you enjoy aggravation? Between five pounds of flour spilled purposely on the kitchen floor, to teens who are striving for more independence, it's enough to drive even the most even-tempered mom crazy!
So what I am going to try to do is to try and enjoy each great moment. Really be present. Not thinking of the other child who is trying you to your last nerve, or that huge to-do list. Be there, fully, in that great moment.
Maybe then, instead of hours and minutes feeling like forever, they won't feel like long enough.
About Me

- Anne
- SAHM to four great kids, a wife to a wonderful husband, and daughter of the Most High God.
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Thursday, June 21, 2012
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Great perspective, Anne! Love your positive outlook!
Beautiful. Loved the attached video too ;-)
Love it! You should make tshirts that say "play at the park like nobody's watching".
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